
EpcTls — TLS support

Stability Level

Private, unless otherwise indicated


#include <libepc/shell.h>

gpointer            (*EpcTlsPrivkeyEnterHook)           (void);
void                (*EpcTlsPrivkeyLeaveHook)           (gpointer data);
#define             EPC_TLS_ERROR
#define             EPC_TLS_SECONDS_PER_DAY
#define             EPC_TLS_SECONDS_PER_HOUR
#define             EPC_TLS_SECONDS_PER_MINUTE

gnutls_x509_crt_t   epc_tls_certificate_load            (const gchar *filename,
                                                         GError **error);
gnutls_x509_crt_t   epc_tls_certificate_new             (const gchar *hostname,
                                                         guint validity,
                                                         gnutls_x509_privkey_t key,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            epc_tls_certificate_save            (gnutls_x509_crt_t certificate,
                                                         const gchar *filename,
                                                         GError **error);

gnutls_x509_privkey_t epc_tls_private_key_load          (const gchar *filename,
                                                         GError **error);
gnutls_x509_privkey_t epc_tls_private_key_new           (GError **error);
gboolean            epc_tls_private_key_save            (gnutls_x509_privkey_t key,
                                                         const gchar *filename,
                                                         GError **error);

gchar*              epc_tls_get_private_key_filename    (const gchar *hostname);
gchar*              epc_tls_get_certificate_filename    (const gchar *hostname);
gboolean            epc_tls_get_server_credentials      (const gchar *hostname,
                                                         gchar **crtfile,
                                                         gchar **keyfile,
                                                         GError **error);
void                epc_tls_set_private_key_hooks       (EpcTlsPrivkeyEnterHook enter,
                                                         EpcTlsPrivkeyLeaveHook leave);


Functions for handling TLS (X.509) certificates and keys.


EpcTlsPrivkeyEnterHook ()

gpointer            (*EpcTlsPrivkeyEnterHook)           (void);

This hook is invoked when the TLS engine starts generating a private key. It can be used inform the user about this lengthly process by creating an EpcEntropyProgress dialog.

Returns : Information which shall be passed to the EpcTlsPrivkeyLeaveHook.

EpcTlsPrivkeyLeaveHook ()

void                (*EpcTlsPrivkeyLeaveHook)           (gpointer data);

This hook is invoked when the TLS engine has finished a privatekey. It shall be used to tear down information shown by EpcTlsPrivkeyEnterHook.

data : the information returned by EpcTlsPrivkeyEnterHook


#define EPC_TLS_ERROR (epc_tls_error_quark ())

Error domain for TLS operations. Errors in this domain will be GNU TLS error codes. See GError for information on error domains.



The number of seconds per day.



The number of seconds per hour.



The number of seconds per minute.

epc_tls_certificate_load ()

gnutls_x509_crt_t   epc_tls_certificate_load            (const gchar *filename,
                                                         GError **error);

Reads a PEM encoded X.509 certificate.

If the call was successful, the newly created certificate object is returned. This key can be used with functions of the GNU TLS library. If the call was not successful, it returns NULL and sets error. The error domain is EPC_TLS_ERROR. Error codes are taken from the GNU TLS library.

filename : name of a file to read the certificate from, in the GLib file name encoding
error : return location for a GError, or NULL
Returns : The newly created certificate object, or NULL.

epc_tls_certificate_new ()

gnutls_x509_crt_t   epc_tls_certificate_new             (const gchar *hostname,
                                                         guint validity,
                                                         gnutls_x509_privkey_t key,
                                                         GError **error);

Creates a self signed X.509 certificate. The certificate will mention hostname as common name and as DNS host name, and it will be valid for validity days.

If the call was successful, the newly created certificate is returned. This certificate can be used with functions of the GNU TLS library. If the call was not successful, it returns NULL and sets error. The error domain is EPC_TLS_ERROR. Error codes are taken from the GNU TLS library.

hostname : the name of the host that will use this certificate
validity : the number of days the certificate will remain valid
key : the private key for signing the certificate
error : return location for a GError, or NULL
Returns : The newly created certificate object, or NULL.

epc_tls_certificate_save ()

gboolean            epc_tls_certificate_save            (gnutls_x509_crt_t certificate,
                                                         const gchar *filename,
                                                         GError **error);

Writes a PEM encoded X.509 certificate.

If the call was successful, it returns TRUE. If the call was not successful, it returns FALSE and sets error. The error domain is EPC_TLS_ERROR. Error codes are taken from the GNU TLS library.

certificate : a X.509 certificate
filename : name of a file to write the certificate to, in the GLib file name encoding
error : return location for a GError, or NULL
Returns : TRUE on successful, FALSE if an error occurred

epc_tls_private_key_load ()

gnutls_x509_privkey_t epc_tls_private_key_load          (const gchar *filename,
                                                         GError **error);

Reads a PEM encoded private X.509 key.

If the call was successful, the newly created private key object is returned. This key can be used with functions of the GNU TLS library. If the call was not successful, it returns NULL and sets error. The error domain is EPC_TLS_ERROR. Error codes are taken from the GNU TLS library.

filename : name of a file to read the key from, in the GLib file name encoding
error : return location for a GError, or NULL
Returns : The newly created key object, or NULL.

epc_tls_private_key_new ()

gnutls_x509_privkey_t epc_tls_private_key_new           (GError **error);

Creates a self private X.509 key. Generating secure keys needs quite some time. Call epc_tls_set_private_key_hooks to install hooks providing some feedback to your users. Key generation takes place in a separate background thread, whilst the calling thread waits in a GMainLoop. So for instance the GTK+ widget system remains responsible during that phase.

If the call was successful, the newly created key is returned. This certificate can be used with functions of the GNU TLS library. If the call was not successful, it returns NULL and sets error. The error domain is EPC_TLS_ERROR. Error codes are taken from the GNU TLS library.

See also: EpcEntropyProgress

error : return location for a GError, or NULL
Returns : The newly created private key object, or NULL.

epc_tls_private_key_save ()

gboolean            epc_tls_private_key_save            (gnutls_x509_privkey_t key,
                                                         const gchar *filename,
                                                         GError **error);

Writes a PEM encoded private X.509 key.

If the call was successful, it returns TRUE. If the call was not successful, it returns FALSE and sets error. The error domain is EPC_TLS_ERROR. Error codes are taken from the GNU TLS library.

key : a private X.509 key
filename : name of a file to write the private key to, in the GLib file name encoding
error : return location for a GError, or NULL
Returns : TRUE on successful, FALSE if an error occured

epc_tls_get_private_key_filename ()

gchar*              epc_tls_get_private_key_filename    (const gchar *hostname);

Queries the preferred location for storing private X.509 keys for the server identified by hostname. This file is located in the current user's XDG configuration folder (g_get_user_config_dir). The filename also contains program's name when specified by g_set_prgname.

hostname : the server's host name
Returns : The preferred private key location for hostname.

epc_tls_get_certificate_filename ()

gchar*              epc_tls_get_certificate_filename    (const gchar *hostname);

Queries the preferred location for storing X.509 certificates for the server identified by hostname. This file is located in the current user's XDG configuration folder (g_get_user_config_dir). The filename also contains program's name when specified by g_set_prgname.

hostname : the server's host name
Returns : The preferred certificate location for hostname.

epc_tls_get_server_credentials ()

gboolean            epc_tls_get_server_credentials      (const gchar *hostname,
                                                         gchar **crtfile,
                                                         gchar **keyfile,
                                                         GError **error);

Searches or creates X.509 certificate and key for the server identified by hostname. This function uses epc_tls_get_certificate_filename and epc_tls_get_private_key_filename to locate existing certificates and keys. New certificates and keys are generated, when the files cannot be found, or the existing files contain invalid or expired information.

If the call was successful, it returns TRUE. If the call was not successful, it returns FALSE and sets error. The error domain is EPC_TLS_ERROR. Error codes are taken from the GNU TLS library.

hostname : the server's host name
crtfile : location for storing the certificate's filename in GLib filename encoding
keyfile : location for storing the private key's filename in GLib filename encoding
error : return location for a GError, or NULL
Returns : TRUE on successful, FALSE if an error occurred

epc_tls_set_private_key_hooks ()

void                epc_tls_set_private_key_hooks       (EpcTlsPrivkeyEnterHook enter,
                                                         EpcTlsPrivkeyLeaveHook leave);

Installs functions which are called when private keys have to be generated.

Generating secure keys needs quite some time, so those functions shall be called to provide some feedback to your users. Key generation takes place in a separate background thread, whilst the calling thread waits in a GMainLoop. So for instance the GTK+ widget system remains responsible during that phase.

See also: EpcEntropyProgress

enter : the function to call on start
leave : the function to call when finished