
EpcPublisher — easily publish values

Stability Level

Unstable, unless otherwise indicated


#include <libepc/publish.h>


EpcPublisher*       epc_publisher_new                   (const gchar *name,
                                                         const gchar *application,
                                                         const gchar *domain);

void                epc_publisher_add                   (EpcPublisher *publisher,
                                                         const gchar *key,
                                                         const gchar *value,
                                                         gssize length);
void                epc_publisher_add_file              (EpcPublisher *publisher,
                                                         const gchar *key,
                                                         const gchar *filename);
void                epc_publisher_add_handler           (EpcPublisher *publisher,
                                                         const gchar *key,
                                                         EpcContentsHandler handler,
                                                         gpointer user_data,
                                                         GDestroyNotify destroy_data);
gboolean            epc_publisher_remove                (EpcPublisher *publisher,
                                                         const gchar *key);

void                epc_publisher_run                   (EpcPublisher *publisher);
void                epc_publisher_run_async             (EpcPublisher *publisher);
void                epc_publisher_quit                  (EpcPublisher *publisher);

void                epc_publisher_set_auth_handler      (EpcPublisher *publisher,
                                                         const gchar *key,
                                                         EpcAuthHandler handler,
                                                         gpointer user_data,
                                                         GDestroyNotify destroy_data);
void                epc_publisher_set_credentials       (EpcPublisher *publisher,
                                                         const gchar *certfile,
                                                         const gchar *keyfile);
void                epc_publisher_set_protocol          (EpcPublisher *publisher,
                                                         EpcProtocol protocol);
void                epc_publisher_set_service_name      (EpcPublisher *publisher,
                                                         const gchar *name);

const gchar*        epc_publisher_get_certificate_file  (EpcPublisher *publisher);
const gchar*        epc_publisher_get_private_key_file  (EpcPublisher *publisher);
EpcProtocol         epc_publisher_get_protocol          (EpcPublisher *publisher);
const gchar*        epc_publisher_get_service_name      (EpcPublisher *publisher);
const gchar*        epc_publisher_get_service_domain    (EpcPublisher *publisher);

Object Hierarchy



  "application"              gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct
  "certificate-file"         gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct
  "private-key-file"         gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct
  "protocol"                 EpcProtocol           : Read / Write / Construct
  "service-domain"           gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct
  "service-name"             gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct


The EpcPublisher starts a HTTP server to publish information. To allow EpcConsumer to find the publisher it automatically publishes its contact information (host name, TCP/IP port) per DNS-SD.

In future it might use DNS-DS to notify EpcConsumer of changes.

Example 7. Publish a value

  publisher = epc_publisher_new ("Easy Publisher Example", NULL, NULL);

  epc_publisher_add (publisher, "maman", "bar", -1);
  epc_publisher_add_file (publisher, "source-code", __FILE__);

  epc_publisher_run ();

EpcPublisher doesn't provide a way to explicitly publish NULL values, as publishing NULL values doesn't seem very valueable in our scenario: Usually you want to "publish" NULL values to express, that your application doesn't have any meaningful information for the requested identifier. By "publishing" a NULL value essentially you say "this information does not exist". So publishing NULL values is not different from not publishing any value at all or rejected access to some values. Without explicitly inspecting the details for not receiving a value, a consumer calling epc_consumer_lookup has no chance to distinguish between the cases "never published", "network problem", "authorization rejected", "no meaningful value available".

So if feel like publishing a NULL value, just remove the key in question from the EpcPublisher by calling epc_publisher_remove. When using a custom EpcContentsHandler an alternate approach is returning NULL from that handler. In that case the EpcPublisher will behave exactly the same, as if the value has been removed.



typedef struct _EpcPublisherPrivate EpcPublisherPrivate;

Private fields of the EpcPublisher class.


typedef struct {
} EpcPublisherClass;

Virtual methods of the EpcPublisher class.


typedef struct _EpcPublisher EpcPublisher;

Public fields of the EpcPublisher class.

epc_publisher_new ()

EpcPublisher*       epc_publisher_new                   (const gchar *name,
                                                         const gchar *application,
                                                         const gchar *domain);

Creates a new EpcPublisher object. The publisher announces its service per DNS-SD to the DNS domain specified by domain, using name as service name. The service type is derived from application. When NULL is passed for application the value returned by g_get_prgname is used. See epc_service_type_new for details.

name : the human friendly service name, or NULL
application : application name used for DNS-SD service type, or NULL
domain : the DNS domain for announcing the service, or NULL
Returns : The newly created EpcPublisher object.

epc_publisher_add ()

void                epc_publisher_add                   (EpcPublisher *publisher,
                                                         const gchar *key,
                                                         const gchar *value,
                                                         gssize length);

Publishes a new value on the EpcPublisher using the unique key for addressing. When -1 is passed for length, value is expected to be a null-terminated string and its length in bytes is determined automatically using strlen.


Values published by the EpcPublisher can be arbitrary data, possibly including null characters in the middle. The kind of data associated with a key is chosen by the application providing values and has to be specified separately.

However, when publishing plain text it is strongly recommended to use UTF-8 encoding to avoid internationalization issues.

publisher : a EpcPublisher
key : the key for addressing the value
value : the value to publish
length : the length of value in bytes, or -1.

epc_publisher_add_file ()

void                epc_publisher_add_file              (EpcPublisher *publisher,
                                                         const gchar *key,
                                                         const gchar *filename);

Publishes a local file on the EpcPublisher using the unique key for addressing. The publisher delivers the current content of the file at the time of access.

publisher : a EpcPublisher
key : the key for addressing the file
filename : the name of the file to publish

epc_publisher_add_handler ()

void                epc_publisher_add_handler           (EpcPublisher *publisher,
                                                         const gchar *key,
                                                         EpcContentsHandler handler,
                                                         gpointer user_data,
                                                         GDestroyNotify destroy_data);

Publishes contents on the EpcPublisher which are generated by a custom EpcContentsHandler callback. This is the most flexible method for publishing information.

The handler is called on every request matching key. When called, publisher, key and user_data are passed to the handler. When replacing or deleting the resource referenced by key, or when the the Publisher is destroyed, the function described by destroy_data is called with user_data as argument.

publisher : a EpcPublisher
key : the key for addressing the content
handler : the EpcContentsHandler for handling this content
user_data : data to pass on handler calls
destroy_data : a function for releasing user_data

epc_publisher_remove ()

gboolean            epc_publisher_remove                (EpcPublisher *publisher,
                                                         const gchar *key);

Removes a key and its associated content from a EpcPublisher.

publisher : a EpcPublisher
key : the key for addressing the content
Returns : TRUE if the key was found and removed from the EpcPublisher.

epc_publisher_run ()

void                epc_publisher_run                   (EpcPublisher *publisher);

Starts the server component of the EpcPublisher and blocks until it is shutdown using epc_publisher_quit.

To start the server without blocking call epc_publisher_run_async.

publisher : a EpcPublisher

epc_publisher_run_async ()

void                epc_publisher_run_async             (EpcPublisher *publisher);

Starts the server component of the EpcPublisher without blocking. To start the server without blocking call epc_publisher_run_async. To stop the server component call epc_publisher_quit.

publisher : a EpcPublisher

epc_publisher_quit ()

void                epc_publisher_quit                  (EpcPublisher *publisher);

Stops the server component of the EpcPublisher started with epc_publisher_run or epc_publisher_run_async.

publisher : a EpcPublisher

epc_publisher_set_auth_handler ()

void                epc_publisher_set_auth_handler      (EpcPublisher *publisher,
                                                         const gchar *key,
                                                         EpcAuthHandler handler,
                                                         gpointer user_data,
                                                         GDestroyNotify destroy_data);

Installs an authentication handler for the specified key. Passing NULL as key installs a fallback handler for all resources.

The handler is called on every request matching key. On this call a temporary EpcAuthContext and user_data are passed to the handler. The EpcAuthContext references the publisher and key passed here. When replacing or deleting the resource referenced by key, or when the publisher is destroyed, the function described by destroy_data is called with user_data as argument.

publisher : a EpcPublisher
key : the key of the resource to protect, or NULL
handler : the EpcAuthHandler to connect
user_data : data to pass on handler calls
destroy_data : a function for releasing user_data

epc_publisher_set_credentials ()

void                epc_publisher_set_credentials       (EpcPublisher *publisher,
                                                         const gchar *certfile,
                                                         const gchar *keyfile);

Changes the file names of the PEM encoded TLS credentials the publisher use for its services, when the transport "protocol" is EPC_PROTOCOL_HTTPS.

See "certificate-file" and "private-key-file" for details.

publisher : a EpcPublisher
certfile : file name of the server certificate
keyfile : file name of the private key

epc_publisher_set_protocol ()

void                epc_publisher_set_protocol          (EpcPublisher *publisher,
                                                         EpcProtocol protocol);

Changes the transport protocol the publisher uses. See "protocol" for details.

publisher : a EpcPublisher
protocol : the transport protocol

epc_publisher_set_service_name ()

void                epc_publisher_set_service_name      (EpcPublisher *publisher,
                                                         const gchar *name);

Changes the human friendly name this EpcPublisher uses to announce its service. See "service-name" for details.

publisher : a EpcPublisher
name : the new name of this EpcPublisher

epc_publisher_get_certificate_file ()

const gchar*        epc_publisher_get_certificate_file  (EpcPublisher *publisher);

Queries the file name of the PEM encoded server certificate. See "certificate-file" for details.

publisher : a EpcPublisher
Returns : The certificate's file name, or NULL.

epc_publisher_get_private_key_file ()

const gchar*        epc_publisher_get_private_key_file  (EpcPublisher *publisher);

Queries the file name of the PEM encoded private server key. See "private-key-file" for details.

publisher : a EpcPublisher
Returns : The private key's file name, or NULL.

epc_publisher_get_protocol ()

EpcProtocol         epc_publisher_get_protocol          (EpcPublisher *publisher);

Queries the transport protocol the publisher uses. See "protocol" for details.

publisher : a EpcPublisher
Returns : The transport protocol the publisher uses, or EPC_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN.

epc_publisher_get_service_name ()

const gchar*        epc_publisher_get_service_name      (EpcPublisher *publisher);

Queries the human friendly name this EpcPublisher uses to announce its service. See "name" for details.

publisher : a EpcPublisher
Returns : The human friendly name of this EpcPublisher.

epc_publisher_get_service_domain ()

const gchar*        epc_publisher_get_service_domain    (EpcPublisher *publisher);

Queries the DNS domain for which this EpcPublisher announces its service. See "domain" for details.

publisher : a EpcPublisher
Returns : The DNS-SD domain of this EpcPublisher, or NULL.

Property Details

The "application" property

  "application"              gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct

Program name for deriving the service type.

Default value: NULL

The "certificate-file" property

  "certificate-file"         gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct

File name for the PEM encoded server certificate.

Default value: NULL

The "private-key-file" property

  "private-key-file"         gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct

File name for the PEM encoded private server key.

Default value: NULL

The "protocol" property

  "protocol"                 EpcProtocol           : Read / Write / Construct

The transport protocol the publisher uses.


The "service-domain" property

  "service-domain"           gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct

Internet domain for publishing the service.

Default value: NULL

The "service-name" property

  "service-name"             gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct

User friendly name for the service.

Default value: NULL

See Also

EpcConsumer, EpcAuthContext, EpcContentsHandler