
EpcServiceType — service type details

Stability Level

Unstable, unless otherwise indicated


#include <libepc/service-type.h>

#define             EPC_SERVICE_TYPE_HTTP
#define             EPC_SERVICE_TYPE_HTTPS
const gchar*        epc_service_type_get_base           (const gchar *type);
EpcProtocol         epc_service_type_get_protocol       (const gchar *service_type);
gchar*              epc_service_type_new                (EpcProtocol protocol,
                                                         const gchar *application);


DNS-SD uses well-known services types to discover service providers. The following macros describe the service types uses by this library.

Example 3. Find an Easy-Publish server

  dialog = aui_service_dialog_new ("Choose an Easy Publish Server", NULL,
                                   GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL,
                                   GTK_STOCK_CONNECT, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT,
  aui_service_dialog_set_browse_service_types (AUI_SERVICE_DIALOG (dialog),

  if (GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT == gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)))
      const gint port = aui_service_dialog_get_port (AUI_SERVICE_DIALOG (dialog));
      const gchar *host = aui_service_dialog_get_host_name (AUI_SERVICE_DIALOG (dialog));
      const gchar *type = aui_service_dialog_get_service_type (AUI_SERVICE_DIALOG (dialog));
      EpcProtocol protocol = epc_service_type_get_protocol (type);



#define EPC_SERVICE_TYPE_HTTP   "_easy-publish-http._tcp"

The well-known DNS-SD service type for EpcPublisher servers providing unencrypted HTTP access.


#define EPC_SERVICE_TYPE_HTTPS  "_easy-publish-https._tcp"

The well-known DNS-SD service type for EpcPublisher servers providing encrypted HTTPS access.

epc_service_type_get_base ()

const gchar*        epc_service_type_get_base           (const gchar *type);

Extracts the base service-type of a DNS-SD service-type.

DNS-SD service types may contain a sub service type, for instance the service-type "_anon._sub._ftp._tcp" contains the base-type "_ftp._tcp" and the sub-type "_anon". This function extracts extracts the base-type. The service type is returned unmodifed if it doesn't contain a sub-type.

type : a DNS-SD service-type
Returns : The base-service-type.

epc_service_type_get_protocol ()

EpcProtocol         epc_service_type_get_protocol       (const gchar *service_type);

Queries the EpcProtocol associated with a DNS-SD service type. See EPC_SERVICE_TYPE_HTTP, EPC_SERVICE_TYPE_HTTPS.

service_type : a DNS-SD service type
Returns : Returns the EpcProtocol associated with service_type, or EPC_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN for unrecognized or unsupported service types.

epc_service_type_new ()

gchar*              epc_service_type_new                (EpcProtocol protocol,
                                                         const gchar *application);

Builds the DNS-SD service type for the given transport protocol and application. When application is NULL, the application name is retrieved by calling #g_get_prgname(). NULL is returned in that case if #g_get_prgname() returns NULL.

The string returned should be released when no longer needed.

protocol : a EpcProtocol
application : the application name, or NULL
Returns : A newly allocated string holding the requested service-type, or NULL when application is NULL and g_get_prgname fails.

See Also

EpcConsumer, EpcPublisher